theTutorGenius provides In-Home Tutoring to students in California. We match our tutors with a student in the location and distance you wish to work.
Get quick answers about our tutoring services and how to start.
Please contact us at (949) 387 – 5405 so that we may discuss your child’s specific needs and provide you with an exceptional tutor. You can also submit an online tutor inquiry form on our website under Contacts.
At this particular time we service all of Orange County and have plans to extend our service nation-wide in the time to come.
There are a few important differences. First, all of our tutoring is designed solely for One-on-One instruction, as opposed to traditional learning centers which are comprised of group session consisting of a dozen students or more. Another difference is that we follow the student’s curriculum from school. Our instructors will work with current classroom material, assist in homework assignments and prepare for upcoming exams. Therefore, what they learn during each tutoring session will be directly applied to their class work. Most importantly, traditional learning centers do not use the same tutor, session to session. Clearly this is a disadvantage for your child; they cannot develop a strong rapport with their tutor if that person is constantly being changed. The last difference comes in the form of payment to our company. Unlike all other tutoring companies we do NOT receive payment for sessions prior to the session. We only bill you once the session has been completed at the end of every week.
Yes, tutoring can take place in any desired location it is not exclusive to your home. Some parents do choose to have tutoring at such neutral locations as libraries and coffee shops. Were not against this option but suggest In-Home as a more preferable option, because the fewer distractions to the student during the session the more productive it will be as shown through ease of subject matter and overall grades.
Our Tutor Genius Directors recognize that a strong relationship and good match between a tutor and student is essential to the effectiveness of One-On-One Tutoring. Our expert tutors are highly motivating, personable, well-rounded and skilled in their particular subject matter to create an environment which encourages students to achieve, excel and succeed in their academia. We make every effort to stimulate our students about the learning process; instilling in them a sense of confidence.
If you cancel a session, you can reschedule a session for a later time during the month, all cancellations are done through your Tutor Genius Director. Refunds aren’t necessary because you are only billed for sessions completed. Late arrivals and un-notified absences may be non-refundable. Excessive cancellations may result in the termination of services.
At the end of each week, a timesheet will be submitted by your tutor for the past weeks tutoring sessions. You will only be billed for sessions that have already taken place. At this point you will be sent your statement and a payment will be made by the credit card that you left with us on file.
No unlike most tutoring companies we have no start up fee or any hidden fees.
It typically takes less than a week to get an ideal tutor match for your child and for the first session to take place.
Yes, theTutorGenius does have specialty tutors on our team to accommodate any student with a learning disability. These instructors are limited so please make arrangements as soon as possible to make sure one is available.